The Through Her Eyes Project produces multimedia exhibits, online and on the ground, to create a global movement to bring awareness and support to girls and women’s sports around the world. We profile athletes of all ages and abilities to showcase how and why sports empower girls and women. We collect and gather the voices of girls and women and showcase their individual and collective experiences to demonstrate what they gain from participation in sports and the challenges they face in pursuing a space to play.
We produce traveling exhibitions, pop-up exhibits, and online exhibits comprised of photographs and documentaries, to encourage girls and women to play, increase funding for girls and women’s sports, and create opportunities for girls and women to get in the game both on and off the field.
Check out some of the places we have exhibited our work.
we took OUR multimedia exhibit consisting of 75 photographs, and 50 short video profiles of girls and women who play sports in Ecuador, back to the country where we first started the project.
Over the course of a month in 2011, we set up exhibits in six cities and shared these voices, faces, and lives with people in Guayaquil, Quito, Cuenca, Loja, Ambato, and Puyo. Each of these cities have distinct and regional characteristics - from their people, to their food, to their customs.
In some cities we held exhibits in public squares, in other places in community centers. We held small group discussions and large town hall style meetings about girls/women and sport. We displayed the photos and videos in each of these cities with the help of community partners, and athletes featured in the exhibits. In each city we held our exhibits in spaces open to the public and sometimes held the exhibits outside to attract as many people as we could.
We launched the six city tour in Guayaquil, Ecuador during the annual book fair which draws thousands of visitors. We were honored to have then President of the Ecuadorian Olympic Committee, Danilo Carrera, celebrate our opening night with us along with long time collaborator Sandra López von Behrens, former press director at the Ecuadorian Olympic Committee, who has worked to support the project from the start. The exhibit drew large crowds and a great response.
In 2012, we displayed our exhibit in the U.S. for the first time at the Chicago Art Department. This multimedia exhibit included two large projection screens of videos and two individual viewing stations where visitors could watch and listen to stories. We showcased close to 50 photographs, complete with selected quotes from many of the girls and women profiled.
Hundreds of visitors made their way through the exhibit over the course of a few days, including school groups, sports teams, and special sessions for small group viewings and discussions. The exhibit could not have been possible without exhibit design assistance from Steve Juras, Kyle Fletcher, and Robert Stanton, and digital assistance and design from Derek Olson to create and program the alternating large scale video displays.