Sports empower, strengthen, build, and shape us. And, sports are one of the most important activities that we can provide for girls and women. Girls and women not only get physical fitness and strength through sports, but they create a sense of community, gain empowerment, face barriers, and break through them to pursue wins on and off the field. Involvement in sports has been shown to increase levels of education and involvement in the workforce, elevate levels of income, and improve the lives of those involved.
Sports can and should be used and viewed as a vehicle to improve the social, physical, and psychological well being of girls and women.
But in many countries, girls and women do not have the opportunity, nor the support, nor the places to play. Reasons for this range from social norms and restrictions imposed by family, schools, and governments, to limited places to play or equipment to use, to a lack of images in the media. These elements can combine to keep girls and women on the sidelines in sports, and in their daily lives.
This is why our work matters.